• Pancake & Bacon Cookies! Posted on September 26, 2015

    Tagged as: breakfast maple Men Recipe Salt Snacks sweet

    Pancake & Bacon Cookies! It's National Pancake Day! Do you ever have a "breakfast for dinner" night? Whenever we have our “breakfast for dinner” night, it’s always on a Saturday evening. And nothing beats Pancakes & Bacon!

    The buttery-brown scent fills the kitchen, and by the time he gets down to the last bits of batter, with the last pancake in the hot pan, we’re all ravenous with our tummies rumbling ready to eat. It’s a waiting game, but well worth it. There’s something magical that happens when that sweet, maple syrup spills onto the crispy Bacon, or a bite is taken with a little bit of each element, sweet and salty, on the fork.

    SO…with it being the fall and all, and with maple being a perfectly wonderful fall flavor, I thought it time to turn on my oven and start baking some COOKIES! And these little babies were the first ones I wanted to have my hand at trying, so that we could enjoy the flavors of our beloved “breakfast for dinner” fare in a little sweet-savory snack, anytime. Just put your face in front of a plate of these, close your eyes, and take a deep breath in—you’ll think what you’re smelling is a plate of buttery, maple-y pancakes with Bacon, no joke.

    Click here for this recipe: http://thecozyapron.com/pancakes-n-bacon-cookies-and-breakfast-for-dinner-or-as-a-snack/

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