• Bacon Cake W/ Bacon Floss! Posted on October 05, 2017

    Tagged as: Cheddar Cheese potatoes sweet

    Bacon Cake W/ Bacon Floss! Bacon lovers rejoice, the food concoction of your dreams has landed in the city of Melbourne. The latest food creation to come out of this hipster hub is a Bacon layer cake that may make your mouth water and your arteries clog at the sound of it.

    The cake begins with a Bacon weave followed by a layer of burger patties, mac and cheese, more Bacon, cheddar cheese, another Bacon weave, pulled brisket, more cheese, sweet potato, even more Bacon weaves, another layer of mac and cheese and a final layer of Bacon.

    Courtesy of: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-4919800/Cafe-serves-bacon-cake-topped-floss-cheese.html

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