• Bacon & Cheese Zucchini Boats! Posted on August 08, 2013

    Tagged as: Cheese Recipe Salt Seasoning sliced

    Bacon & Cheese Zucchini Boats! Today is National Zucchini Day and it IS Zucchini season. So, Let's Celebrate! This recipe makes 4 boats: Slice 2 zucchinis in half lengthwise. Scoop out the insides with a spoon. Drizzle the boats with some oil, salt, and pepper. Lay on a baking sheet lined with no-stick foil. Chop up the zucchini you had scooped out. Pan fry bacon slices (as many as you can handle). Add 1/2 onion, chopped. 4 chopped garlic cloves and sauté all in the pan until browned. Add some olive oil if needed. Remove to cool. In a bowl- Mix 1 egg 1/2 c grated parmesan cheese 1/2 c bread crumbs Once sautéed items cooled, add to above mix. Mound this mixture on top of each boat and bake at 425 degrees for 12-15 mins or until lightly brown. Pile on some shredded Mozzarella cheese (or any other kind you like) and broil just 2 minutes until melted. KEEP AN EYE ON IT! Top with chopped scallions. (I made this recipe and added about 1/2 c baby portabella mushrooms to pan mix and used Vidalia onions. I was in heaven!) thanks to: http://www.hugsandcookiesxoxo.com/2013/04/ZUCCHINI-BACON-CHEESE.html

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